The course was held on October 21 at THACO INDUSTRIES for 30 managers, cost and financial specialists, accountants, etc. from its subsidiaries and units to equip them with knowledge and skills on consolidated financial statements.


Consolidated Financial Statements serve as a comprehensive report encompassing the financial results of a holding company and its subsidiaries, as well as the interests of joint ventures and affiliated entities. These statements play a crucial role in evaluating the overall financial health, business performance, and profitability of a corporation.

Throughout the course, learners delved into various topics about consolidated financial statements, including their definition, nature, purpose and principles. They also explored methods of preparing consolidated financial statements, the current regulations on business consolidation and financial statement consolidation, etc. Hands-on exercises were also given, providing learners the opportunity to apply their knowledge based on actual company scenarios.


The course aimed to enhance the learners’ abilities in analyzing, evaluating, and devising solutions to common errors in consolidated financial statements, completing the financial statement process in line with current standards, thereby providing well-informed recommendations to the leadership, paving the way for sensible and effective business decisions.